Using Real-Time Customer Feedback from Medicare Beneficiaries and their Families
Designed with user experience in mind, the new site features a fresh look and feel, improved navigation, enhanced search functionality, increased accessibility for all visitors, and a mobile-friendly design for easy access to information from any device.
Within the MXIE platform, Livanta deployed an automated process that allowed Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers to give feedback about their Beneficiary and Family Centered Care - Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO) interactions in real time. In addition to providing satisfaction ratings, the new system allowed Helpline callers and outbound recipients of Appeals and Quality of Care Complaint services including Immediate Advocacy to escalate a customer service complaint and speak directly to a supervisor or manager. For Livanta, having real-time customer feedback data has the potential to positively impact hundreds or even thousands of Medicare beneficiaries.
“Given the volume of calls we handle, customer service or process issues can arise quickly,” said BFCC-QIO Executive Director Lance Coss. “With our real-time customer feedback system, such issues can be resolved swiftly and efficiently.”
This customer feedback system, which has since been fully adopted for phone interactions at Livanta, provides immediate and actionable customer service data, and allows Livanta to listen to the voice of the Medicare beneficiary and analyze trends. Since interactions are linked to specific cases, the system also allows Livanta leadership to understand the needs and expectations of specific Medicare beneficiaries, family members, and other caregivers. Customer feedback data can be stratified by beneficiary race/ethnicity or gender, the clinical setting of the case review, region, case type, case outcome, and other data points. Livanta’s management teams routinely monitor and analyze this information to understand Medicare beneficiaries and other caregivers and to ensure that Livanta continues to provide top-quality services.
Powered by Tableau, an industry-leader of data visualization software, Livanta’s introduction of customer feedback data in its existing BFCC-QIO Performance Dashboard is visual evidence of Livanta’s commitment to customer service, innovation, and transparency. The dashboard data are updated weekly allowing users to view customer service ratings cumulative-to-date or by specific date ranges they select. The information can be used in multiple ways - by beneficiaries or their representatives wanting to know the view of others using BFCC-QIO services as an indication of whether it is worthwhile using BFCC-QIO services - by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and other stakeholders to monitor attention to beneficiary needs.
Above: A snapshot from Livanta's BFCC-QIO Performance Dashboard, showing ratings of Livanta's Call Center staff ("Was the staff member you spoke with clear, concise, and easily understood?").
Livanta’s BFCC-QIO Performance Dashboard is available at:
How Does Livanta’s Automated Customer Service Measurement System Work?
Using a five-point Likert scale, callers to Livanta’s Medicare Helpline and outbound recipients of Appeals and Quality of Care complaint services including Immediate Advocacy are asked to use their keypad to rate their interaction with Livanta’s staff. Individuals can give an overall rating of their interaction and indicate if all their questions and concerns were addressed. In addition, they are asked to rate the Livanta staff member in key areas:
- Clear, concise, and easily understood
- Competent and knowledgeable about the Medicare program
- Understanding concerns that were reported
- Courteous, professional, and helpful
On Livanta’s scale, a response of “5” indicates the highest satisfaction, while a response of "1" indicates the lowest satisfaction. Individuals also have the option to speak directly with a supervisor or manager to escalate a customer service concern.